
Janice Dolley

Janice Dolley has been working towards unity awareness since the early nineteen-seventies. Initiating with a few others The Bridge Trust- as an association for building bridges from the old consciousness to the new through a small organic farm, educational centre, and association of 400 people at a time when this was not part of the then ‘normal’. Also as a writer of several books introducing consciousness to those in mainstream Christianity and co-founding Cana ( Christians Awakening to New Awareness), as a founding trustee of Wyse International providing inspired leadership training to young people, as an academic during the first thirty creative years of the Open University, an elected Borough Councillor, governorship of nine schools, co-founding trustee of Magdalen Farm Environmental Centre in Dorset, and 15 years as a trustee of the Findhorn Foundation and Findhorn College for which she co-focalised conferences on Soul in Education, Into Christ Consciousness and was a member of the core team for the ground breaking New Story Summit.

Her recent book “Awakening to a New Reality: Conscious Conversations across the Horizon of Death” is currently in circulation, supported by a marriage of 63 years, four daughters and seven grandchildren. She has every faith in an emerging new future for humanity and Planet Earth.